Trojan and Son LLC

Generations of Quality


With over 35,000 hours of experience in site preparation, well drilling, demolition, miscellaneous phases of construction. A passion for preservation of natural resources. Trained in erosion, storm water and sediment control.

· Rip Rap retaining walls          

· Septic tanks/ Drain field installations

· Water line Installation

· Primitive road construction

· Amphibious equipment/tug boat

· Emergency road recovery, ecological disaster restoration services

Contact us:

P.O. Bo 275

Craig AK 99921-0275


Phone: 907-826-3734

Fax: 907-826-3734






Text Box: Historic  landmark, once the pearl of the bay. Years of neglect,  gave us  the opportunity to put the ole  girl to sleep. As environmentally  friendly as  possible.